How To Identify And Monitor Wisdom Impacted Teeth

Your wisdom teeth should be checked periodically. If wisdom teeth come in properly in required conditions then they are safety key. But if unchecked they can put you at risk for gum disease, tooth decay, and damage to adjacent teeth. Some wisdom teeth grow at such an angle that they break through the gum which may lead to tooth decay, gum disease, cysts, and tumors. These wisdom impacted teeth can only be seen on x-rays. So the damage they may cause goes undetected if unchecked by a dental professional. Some people just don't have enough rows for another tooth in their mouth. So their wisdom teeth impacted can affect other teeth when they come in. This makes them difficult to chew, difficult to keep clean, and misalign your teeth.

1. Wisdom teeth impacted

The tooth which has been blocked from breaking through gum for some reason is called impacted teeth. The tooth may be fully impacted or partially impacted, meaning it has started to breakthrough. Teeth normally cause no symptoms for getting impacted and they are only discovered during a routine X-ray at the dentist's office.

2. Symptoms of impacted teeth

In some cases, you may not experience any symptoms for impacted teeth. It other cases, an impacted tooth may cause symptoms such as bleeding gums, difficulty opening the mouth, pain, a bad taste in your mouth, bad breath, etc. These symptoms may be period and may come and go over weeks or months. Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed but they do need to be monitored by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

3. Wisdom teeth extraction and Pericoronaritis

Pericoronitis is produced when a wisdom tooth erupts in a malposition. This is an infection of the gums surrounding the wisdom tooth, and whose symptoms include pain, swelling, bleeding, and bad breath. The only solution to this problem is the extraction of wisdom teeth. But if the opposite teeth are not removed, due to having any contact with the opposite one, it will extrude slowly and it can cause unwanted premature contacts and again an inflammation of the lower gum.

If the wisdom tooth comes in a horizontal position, it can get contact with the second molar causing it damage which may even end with the loss of both pieces. An incision is made and the overlying bone is removed to remove a wisdom tooth that has not erupted. Then the tooth is extracted. Different materials like plasma are used to fill the socket as it is rich in growth factors that accelerate healing. And, finally, the areas sutured.

4. Eruption aids

Eruption aids are used to get the tooth to erupt properly when the canine teeth are impacted. Eruption aids include braces, brackets, or extracting the adult teeth or baby teeth that blocks the canines. When performed on younger people these methods are most effective. The impacted tooth may be removed or replaced with a dental implant or bridge if eruption can't be achieved.

5. Complications

You won't be able to care for or clean the impacted teeth as they never break through the gums. Partially impacted teeth are more difficult to clean properly than fully impacted ones. This put partially impacted teeth at a higher risk for dental problems which include cavities, infection, decay, gum disease, absorption of bone or adjacent teeth, and crowding of nearby teeth.

6. Outlook

Impacted wisdom teeth are not always a problem. There is no need to treat them in some cases. Other times, the teeth must be removed to prevent damage to safeguards the other teeth or other complications.

Bottom lines

We, at Holistic Dental, offers experience and quality treatment at affordable prices. Local anesthesia is injected before extracting the wisdom teeth impacted and patients will not feel the pain during the procedure. A sedative is given to anxious patients before the procedure.


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